當(dāng)秋風(fēng)吹過,翠綠的樹葉由深紅轉(zhuǎn)為金黃,在空中打旋起舞時,我們知道,是時候放下繁忙的工作,走進自然的懷抱,感受那份寧靜與美好了。一場釋放壓力,享受平靜的團建活動如約而至,今年的“相約”系列主題為“相約廣德太極,品鑒‘洞’感天地”。 When the autumn breeze passes by, the green leaves turn from deep brown to golden, swirling in the air, which makes us know that it is time to put aside the busy work to embrace the nature as well as feel the peace and beauty. Take a pause for pressure relief and enjoy the interesting group building activities. This year's tourism theme is " Traveling through Tai-Chi Karst cave and savor the wonderful scenery ".
金秋的陽光溫馨恬靜,金秋的微風(fēng)和煦輕柔,我們背起行囊,開啟為期兩天的相約之旅。第一站的宜興龍背山森林公園,湖光山色輝映,亭臺樓閣交互,天然植被茂密,生態(tài)環(huán)境優(yōu)良,一年四季溢彩流香,森林覆蓋率95%,是一個融陽羨迷人山水風(fēng)光和人文景觀于一體的綜合性生態(tài)休閑地。第二站的窯湖小鎮(zhèn)坐落于有“中國天然氧吧”榮譽的陽羨生態(tài)旅游度假區(qū)內(nèi)。乘坐觀光小火車一路穿越高架、隧道、湖泊、竹林、茶田等不同場景,感受不同的山林風(fēng)貌,沉浸在小鎮(zhèn)的山水里,此刻坐著的,就是宮崎駿筆下的漫畫列車,是一段治愈系的旅行。 The autumn sunshine is warm and quiet while the breeze is warm and gentle. We pack up our bags and start a two-day trip to meet each other. The first stop is Longbackishan Forest Park in Yixing with lush natural vegetation and excellent ecological environment and a forest coverage rate of 95% all year round. It is a comprehensive ecological leisure place integrating charming scenery and cultural landscape. Yaohu Town, the second stop, is located in Yangxian Eco-Tourism Resort, which has gained the honor of "China's natural oxygen Bar". Take the sightseeing train all the way through the viadas, tunnels, lakes, bamboo forests, tea fields and other different scenes, feel various mountain scenery and immerse in the wonderful landscape of the town, which is a healing journey, highly likely the scenery in Miyazaki Hayao's book.
最后一站的太極洞景區(qū)位于安徽宣城廣德市,廣德位于安徽省東南端,皖、蘇、浙三省結(jié)合部。作為長三角“一地六縣”重要城市之一,廣德享有“全國公共文化服務(wù)提升優(yōu)秀城市”、“中國最佳休閑旅游縣”、“中國最美生態(tài)休閑旅游名城”、“中國最美鄉(xiāng)村旅游目的地”、“中國天然氧吧”、 “最美中國文化旅游名城”等等多個文旅相關(guān)稱號。 The last stop of Taiji Cave scenic spot is located in Guangde, Xuancheng, Anhui Province. Guangde is located among the southeast of Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang province. As one of the important cities of "one land and six counties" in the Yangtze River Delta, Guangde enjoys many titles related to cultural tourism, such as "National Excellent City of Public Cultural Service Improvement", "China's Best Leisure Tourism County", "China's most beautiful ecological leisure Tourism City", "China's most beautiful Rural tourism destination", "China's Natural Oxygen Bar", "China's Most Beautiful Cultural Tourism City" and so on.
享有“東南第一洞”之美譽的太極洞,因“洞面有紋,類太極圖”而得名,是華東地區(qū)最大的喀斯特溶洞群,以太極文化、健康養(yǎng)生為主題,集溶洞觀光、索道觀光、休閑度假、科學(xué)探險、會議商務(wù)于一體的綜合性旅游區(qū),也是全國首批4A 級旅游景區(qū),國家重點風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)。太極洞古名頗多,遠在兩漢時即已成為旅游勝地。洞中險峻、絢麗、神奇,被視為人間奇景。洞內(nèi)溫度恒定、光影奇幻,鐘乳奇石造型各異,“太上老君”、“仙舟覆桂”、“槐蔭古樹”等各種景觀不得不讓人對大自然的鬼斧神工點贊。 Taichi Cave, which enjoys the reputation of "the first cave in the Southeast" and gets its name because of "the pattern on the surface of the cave and the Taiji diagram", is the largest karst cave group in East China. With Taichi culture and health as the theme, it is a comprehensive tourist area integrating cave sightseeing, cableway sightseeing, leisure seeking, recreational exploration and business tourism. It is also the first batch of 4A level tourist attractions and state key scenic spot in China. Taichi Cave has many ancient names and become a tourist attraction since the Han Dynasty. The cave is precipitous and magical, which is regarded as a wonder in the world. The temperature in the cave is relatively constant while the light and shadow are fantasy. The staltites are quite different in shape, which comes along with various landscape metaphors such as "Lord Lao Zi", "Jinnee’s boat with laurel", "ancient locust and shade tree".
兩天的活動恬靜而美好,安逸且充實。短暫休整后生活、工作歸位,我們需以無比的熱情投入生活,切入工作,釋放無限潛能,為祖國的青山長綠,綠水長流,我們攜起手,挽起袖,Engineering a cleaner tomorrow! The two days activity are amazing and wonderful. With this short period of relief, we will devote ourselves to lives and jobs with much more passion and capabilities. Let’s join hands for a shared future and engineer a cleaner tomorrow!